Thursday, January 15, 2015


I am a monkee, I guess.  I don't actually think of myself that way, because I am not the typical "fan girl." But Monkees are not typical fan girls either, and we sit at a table at which everyone is invited.  I am a faithful reader of Momastery and its author, Glennon Melton. Momastery
Monkees is a pet term for fans and followers of Glennon's who live out love and community and service.  I recommend her book, Carry on, Warrior, as well.  I am a visual learner and several phrases she uses frequently in her writing and a couple of terms she's coined, really communicate to me visually.  Like, "Love wins" and "We can do hard things."

And PERSPECTACLES.  (My favorite Glennonism.) When Glennon points us to other perspectives and challenges her readers to see something from someone else's point of view, she tell us to put on our perspectacles.   I get this.  I see myself in my mind's eye actually putting on new glasses, glasses that are not mine, do not match my prescription, and glasses I may not have ever seen or considered before.  With this visual word picture, I can see clearly--I have to actually DO SOMETHING ACTIVE and really put on each perspective and pair of glasses.  This looking through different lenses and different glasses to see something from someone else's point of view?  This is NOT A PASSIVE endeavor, friends.  Active.  Get moving.  Get to seeing.  With your heart.

I have worn many of my own perspectacles in recent years; sights and visions I never expected to have to put on in my life.  Having worn so many different and unusual perspectives by practice does seem to make it easier to put on some one else's.  This doesn't mean I have to keep them on. It does not mean that my belief system will change.  I will have an understanding, though, of the place someone else is living and what is driving their choices, fears, passions, etc.  I still have to live my life, but if putting on someone else's perspectacles for a hot minute means that I can reach them, touch them, do hard things with them or for them, then it is worth this action which must involve me heart and soul...and eyes.

Up to this point in my little blog's short life, I have mainly shared about mental illness.  I have uttered the word atheist in public for you. (Practice that word so you can get passed it the next time you hear me on the topic--at a later date.)  Right now in the place I'm living, mental illness is definitely at the forefront and in a very un-rose colored set of lenses, I might add.  In addition to mental illness & atheism, I will also be covering other topics.  These topics are also passions of mine due to having worn their lenses for a good bit of time.  Every pair of my own personal view finders tends to be a topic that is widely misunderstood in the normal circles of life.  I hear God calling me to change that; to bring topics in to the light--especially into the light of the church, to give a voice to the marginalized, and to walk with people-not away from them or just in front or behind.  Side by side.  Breath by breath.

So other topics you can expect to hear about: women (especially in relation to the church), faith journeys, adoption, parenting a child of another race, living with aging parents, parenting kids with different needs, gifted education, race relations & reconciliation, empowering parents in the educational systems, care-giving, and adolescence.  On several of these topics, I am able to speak from several sides as I have been both parent and teacher to gifted children with co-morbid learning differences, for example.  

Expect me to move among these topics as the Lord orders and directs my steps.  I am also willing to address topics by request.  If I am asked and I can, I will.  I will be honest about my knowledge, abilities, training and experiences.  Authenticity is one of the traits I value most in myself and others.  I hope, of all anyone will ever say of me, is that I was authentic and truly cared for them wherever they are in their journey.

Get your glasses ready, have a towel and some Windex nearby.  We all need some clearer views in this life.  And share. Follow. Pray. Study. Explore.  Share my blog with anyone and everyone you feel could benefit from it for any reason.  My goal is not for my name to be known, but for my heart and resources and hard earned wisdom to be available to love, encourage, and educate.  To make a dent in the stigma, misunderstanding, and fears that keep others from getting help, turning to Jesus, or giving a body of believes a chance to love them.  To sharpen other irons as my own iron is sharpened and refined.


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